St Martin of Tours Catholic Women’s League is helping those in need

St. Martin of Tours CWL is raising money to help those in need.

TERRACE BAY -- For over 25 years, St. Martin of Tours CWL has hosted a Bazaar and Tea highlighted with a Cedar Chest filled with home linens, décor and gadgets Raffle.

We are grateful for so many members and parishioners who have donated these items placed in these beautiful pieces of furniture crafted, in recent years, by Robin Gordon and Howard Elliott. We are appreciative of our friends and neighbours, including donations of artwork from local artisans Lyn Kennedy and Madge Pirie, along the north shore who have contributed by enjoying our luncheons, purchasing home-made baking, crafts and décor at our bazaar, participated in our penny auctions and bought tickets for our raffles.

By giving service to God, we have been blessed to raise money to help those in need. COVID-19 kept this event on the back burner in 2020 but with determination, ingenuity and prayer, we were able to host the bazaar and tea once again by socially distancing and keeping mandates and restrictions in place. We even went live on Facebook for the draws. Our newest cedar chest, crafted by Terrace Bay resident and Master Carpenter Hugo Wenzlaff, was kept in storage because we could not accept donations due to the pandemic. We decided on a different raffle which offered two prizes: First prize of $300 was won by Barb Lalonde and Second prize – a beautiful quilted wall hanging made by CWL member, Gerri Turner, was won by Maggie Moore.

With your participation in 2021, some recipients of our efforts include:

  • Locally: The McCausland Long Term Care/Chronic Care Wing; North Shore Harvest Cupboard; Lake Superior High School Bursary; St. Martin School Grade 8 Graduation Awards and Bibles; First Communion and Confirmation sponsorship; and our parish - St. Martin Church.
  • Regionally, we contributed to the Bishop Diocesan Outreach program.
  • Across Canada, we provided assistance to: Esk-Omi Missions in Nunavut, Catholic Missions in Canada, CWL National Bursary and Catholic Near East Welfare Association.
  • Globally, we supported Save-A-Family and Leprosy Relief in India and The School for the Blind in Poland. We have sponsored a family in India for many years now. One family lives on our donation of $240.00 for one year which allows them to grow food, buy livestock and books for their children’s education.

This year alone, the net proceeds from our event and donated in its entirety exceeded over $5,500.00. We are happy to announce the return of our Cedar Chest Raffle, along with our Bazaar and Tea on Oct. 15 this year. Tickets for the raffle will go on sale soon. Thank you for your continued support.

Submitted by Toni McInnes, CWL Member and Bazaar Convenor

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