Inspire: Virtual cooking show helps students cope with at-home learning

GERALDTON—Lunch time for some students at St. Joseph Catholic elementary school turned out to be a positive engaging virtual experience.

Under the support and guidance of their Grade 5 and 6 teacher, Mrs. Cora Strain, a group of students took what was meant to be their lunchtime, to a time filled with sharing lunch ideas and teaching each other how to cook.

Strain shared that the whole idea started with a conversation about lunch. Students were working and learning from home, and making their own lunches. Normally, during lunch, the video option is turned off, but on that day some students decided to leave it on.

“One student watched her classmate, Lukas Olson make a grilled cheese sandwich and commented that she never made one nor knew how.” Lukas reacted by offering to teach her how to make one for herself, and was willing to stay online to do just that.

When asked about how he felt about helping to organize this with other students, Lukas had this to say about his experience. "It was fun! It all started while we were talking online during our lunch break one day. I happened to be making a grilled cheese. Then other students decided to share their lunch recipes on other days. I even learned how to make an omelette from another student. It was great."

When other classmates witnessed this, they too wanted to be a part of this and learn how to make different lunches. After more casual conversation, their teacher heard them decide on this idea to cook together virtually. “They came up with the idea of a Grade 6 cooking show. The students took hold of the idea and played around with it online," she said.

With her guidance they decided to have an “Online Cooking Show”. It became a great activity during their remote learning as a result of COVID-19 restrictions; and while lunch break was normally not kept on for viewing, the students decided, “to leave it up and watch how other students made lunch,” shared Strain.

At a time when so many students were feeling the stress and isolation of at-home learning during the pandemic, this young group of students took a fun activity and shared it with others. They not only learned how to make lunches that they never knew how to before; “but were also able to engage in a fun, interactive activity from the comfort of their home," added Strain. “Kids decided to hang out together as a nice united group."

Their school Principal Kyle Thomson, also offered his thanks to his teacher and students. “Thank you to Mrs. Strain and the 5 and 6 classroom for making the most of challenging times and building the school community”. 

The efforts that this group of students put into making their at-home learning the kind of positive, fun interactive activity amongst themselves, not only brought a sense of relief from stress, but more so a sense of togetherness, and unity that they’ll remember for a long time. Congratulations to all.

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