Greenstone hires consultant to design fire master plan

Members of the Greenstone Fire Department are seen conducting a test exercise. The municipality is in the process of developing a master fire plan.

GREENSTONE — Greenstone has hired a consultant to help develop a plan to improve its fire service.

The municipality launched a survey on Monday for residents to provide suggestions or concerns about the current emergency and fire services in the community as part of its process to create a fire master plan.

“The survey is part of this project as we are trying to give residents an opportunity to give us suggestions on how to improve fire service,” Fire Chief Jeff Lipskie said.

The goal of the master plan is to improve services in Greenstone, the fire chief said.

“We are trying to develop a 10-year service plan and also develop a 20-year asset capital project replacement plan, which will help develop a plan for things such as replacing our vehicles and improving the structure of our building,” Lipskie said.

The municipality has hired The Loomex Group, a consulting company based in Peterborough, Ont., to help develop the plan. The consultants will take the data gathered from the survey, which will be available for about a month, and include it in a report to council.

The consultants are expected to deliver a community risk assessment to council next February, with the proposed master fire plan to follow in March.


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