Greenstone looking to recruit volunteer firefighters

Greenstone firefighters participate in a training exercise. The municipality is looking to add 27 volunteer firefighters.

GREENSTONE — The municipality is looking for new volunteer firefighters across all four wards.

The municipality recently issued a call-out on social media, encouraging anyone intersested in becoming a volunteer firefighter for Greenstone to apply by the end of next month.

Greenstone fire chief Jeff Lipskie said the municipality requires a full complement of 82 firefighters, however, they are short by 27 across the municipality. Their highest number of vacancies are in Beardmore and Nakina.

Lipskie said to be eligible for a volunteer firefighter position, residents must be 18 years of age or older and have a valid Ontario driver's licence, G Level or higher. Preference may be given to those with a DZ Licence.

Lipskie also noted that applicants should have a reliable vehicle to attend calls and training.  

The positions will also favour those who have a grade 12 or equivalent education, a satisfactory driving record and criminal background check, and are physically able to carry out duties as a firefighter.

Once hired, the fire service will supply all necessary training for the position, Lipskie said.

Fire training will include, depending on which station they are employed, firefighter level one and two, fire aid, DZ class driving, and pump-opts.

“All the specialty skills required for firefighting,” Lipskie said.

Fire service expects that all new hires attend the bi-weekly training nights at their station, which works out to about four to five hours a month.

Furthermore, volunteers are on an on-call basis; therefore, it recommends that people should provide their employees notice that they might need to leave work to attend a call for service.

To apply, applicants must fill out an application package and return it by email to the Fire Chief, or in person to one of our Municipal Offices. Applications may also be picked up at the Municipal Administration Office or any Municipal Ward Office.

If anyone has questions about the  application process, people can contact the Fire Chief by email or by calling 807-854-1100.

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