NAN Deputy Grand Chief accompanies residential school survivors for Papal visit

Pope Francis arrived in Edmonton on Sunday
Anna Betty Achneepineskum is the Deputy Grand Chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation (submitted photo)

EDMONTON — Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum is accompanying delegations of Indian Residential School survivors during the visit of Pope Francis to Canada this week.

Achneepineskum will attend events in Edmonton and Quebec City with survivors from across NAN territory.

Some members of the delegation were forced to attend the notorious St. Anne's Indian Residential School.

It was run by the Oblate Catholic nuns in Fort Albany First Nation.

Pope Francis is speaking Monday in Maskwacis, Alta, near the site of a former residential school.

It's widely speculated that he will issue a formal apology for the church's role in the residential school system.

This was one of the 94 recommendations of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Achneepinesum said "Everyone responsible for the Indian Residential School system must accept responsibility for their role to the generations of harm done to our members and communities that continues to this day."

She added that "The events of this week will not be an end. Survivors want justice."

Achneepineskum said survivors and their families will face a wide range of emotions this week, "and we acknowledge their strength and courage to make this journey to meet with His Holiness."



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