Schreiber residents urged to complete 2023 budget survey

The Township of Schreiber is asking residents to complete a budget survey.

SCHREIBER — Residents have only a few more days to provide input for the 2023 budget survey. 

Schreiber CAO and clerk Nathan Dias said the survey is a valuable tool for the residents to have their voices heard about what's important for them moving forward. 

"The whole point of it is to provide an opportunity for residents to provide information to the administration and council about the different elements in which we provide services, and basically states their satisfaction with that service,” he said. 

“We typically do it with a range of very satisfied, satisfied, and unsatisfied, or very dissatisfied, and we compile all that information that's provided in something termed as a satisfaction index.” 

Beyond the scale of satisfaction in the survey, Dias said that residents will also be able to state their opinion on the services delivered by the township to better allow administration to know what they are doing right and what they can improve on. 

“The biggest issue we sort of get is that sometimes someone may rate something at one star or say they're very dissatisfied and they don't provide any sort of reasoning as to why, so that leaves us guessing,” he said. 

The link to the survey can be found here, is completely anonymous, and residents have until Tuesday to submit their responses. 

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