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Porcupine health unit asks Hornepayne residents to still be cautious

Ontarians will be given a bit more freedom from COVID-19 restrictions as of March 21. Premier Ford has indicated that as of that date, masks will no longer be mandatory. Hornepayne residents, however, are receiving a message of caution from the Porcupine Health Unit.
COVID-19 1

HORNEPAYNE—With the Ford Government making wearing a mask no longer mandatory for Ontarians, after March 21, Porcupine Health Unit still asks residents to be cautious.

According to their own indicators, and cases, PHU informed the residents that, “Omicron is still circulating in our region and our case rates remain higher than the province. Masks and getting vaccinated work to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

As a precaution, PHU is still strongly recommending the continued use of masks in public settings even though the province has announced that masks will no longer be required in most settings, as of March 21.

They emphasized that this recommendation is even more important, “for those who are at a higher risk of a severe COVID-19 infection and the people who live and work with these individuals”.

As the province will be lifting the wearing of masks in Ontario, many are still nervous and will feel a sense of discomfort without a mask, which as Ford also agrees, is OK. If Ontarians wish to still wear masks, it will be their choice.

Porcupine Health Unit continued by saying that, “Remember that when individuals continue to mask, the reason is to protect themselves or their loved ones from COVID-19. Regardless about how you feel about wearing masks, show kindness to everyone whether they decide to wear a mask or not. We’re in this together”.

This is a sentiment that Ford and his government also share. Be kind to others, regardless of whether or not they wish to wear a mask. After March 21 wearing a mask will become a personal choice.

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