North of Superior Counselling Programs (NOSP) is a non-profit, community-based mental health and addiction community agency dedicated to providing comprehensive services to individuals across their lifespan.
With a commitment to promoting wellness and recovery, NOSP offers a wide range of programs and resources tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals accessing support in the District of Thunder Bay.
Founded in 1983, NOSP serves a 61,000 square kilometre area. Its mission is to work together to optimize health and well-being, with a vision rooted in recovery principles, to foster healthy people, resilient families, and vibrant communities across the rural District of Thunder Bay.
“In our district communities, we have limited access to many services,” Children’s Clinical Service Manager (CSM) Candice Bottle said.
“Being able to offer our services, developing strong district partnerships with other agencies helps to build healthier communities, in our own ‘back yard’ but also supports keeping services where it is needed, which in turn lessens the burden of geographical distances for individuals to travel who are needing access to services, we are providing services at the right time, right place.”
Candace Davies, Executive Director, is a long-time resident of the Nipigon area and echoes Bottle’s comments while sharing her personal story of accessing North of Superior Counselling Programs as a young child and how vital services remain district-based in our communities.
“We are proud of the staff’s commitment to their clients, the customers that access NOSP for support, our staff’s dedication to recovery, and walking alongside an individual’s personal journey, which is a sacred honour to have,” Davies said.
Throughout the years, NOSP services and partnerships have grown beyond counselling and access to specialty supports such as psychiatry/psychology.
The Children’s Team portfolio services children, youth and their families (0-17 years old), which encompasses parenting support by offering Triple P Parenting Programs and targeted prevention in schools, and also provides developmental service support across the district.
Throughout Adult services, NOSP has expanded services that include Rental Supplement Supports, is a service-delivery site, along with others across the northwest region to deliver Ontario Structured Psychotherapy through St. Joseph's Care Group, and provides support through Rapid Access Addiction Medicine RAAM (RAAM) clinics offered in the District in partnership with PACE, Family Health Teams, and NorWest Community Health Clinic.
RAAM is offered in Nipigon, Marathon and Longlac.
With expanding services, NOSP can offer various supports, including individual, group and single-session appointments throughout the Walk-in/Talk-in model.
NOSP provides integrated services in-house across the lifespan and has everything from infant and child support services, mental health counselling for adults and seniors, and walk-in counselling clinics.
“We also have a volunteer visiting program, the Enrichment and Social Engagement Program [EASE], which provides visiting services to older adults in our community or individuals living with a physical disability and their care partners,” Bottle said.
"EASE is a volunteer-driven program, and without our dedicated volunteers, this program would not succeed," Davies added.
"Our volunteers make a real difference for individuals living in our communities. Individuals looking to impact their communities and who want to learn more about EASE may contact the EASE Coordinator, Jenny, by calling 1-877-895-6677.”
Bottle said that stigma continues around mental health and that it takes a lot of courage to be able to come forward and reach out for help while iterating mental health is health.
“Strength is within humility; seek healing for your mind as you would for your body. Just as you'd seek support for a broken bone, nurture your heart and mind with the care you deserve," Davies added.
"North of Superior’s staff are trained professionals, one of our key strengths of NOSP is our team of highly skilled and compassionate professionals who work to support individuals on their journey towards healing and empowerment. From individual counselling sessions to group therapy programs, we ensure that each client receives personalized care and attention through person-directed goal planning, and offer a multitude of options to fit a person’s needs”.
“Even if the option that you are looking for might not be with us, we’ll be able to connect you or refer you on to a more appropriate service,” Bottle added.
The North of Superior Counselling Programs service area includes Armstrong, Nipigon, Schreiber/Terrace Bay, Marathon, Manitouwadge, and Greenstone (its offices are located in Geraldton and Longlac). For more information, visit its website or call 1-877-895-6677.